Regression Test Automation: A Quickstart Guide


The strategic need to automate regression testing:

In many business scenarios, cost and time constraints are faced by organizations due to high-end software development and testing activities. This is because the mobile/web applications need to be thoroughly tested before they are released.

When software goes through many changes for a release, there is a possibility for regressions (bugs found in the previous working functionality) to occur. When the functionalities of a software product have regressions then it may scale up the development costs and affect the software release deadlines.

For this purpose, regression testing is conducted. But, when regression testing is conducted manually by the team, it consumes a lot of time. Hence, there is a need to automate regression testing. 

When regression test cases are automated, the tester's time is saved from checking for regressions that have occurred due to the updates and changes that have been made in the application. Those test cases that are repeatable and stable are automated.

What is automated regression testing?

Once a change or update takes place in a product, specific automated techniques and tools are used to test the software product from an automated regression testing standpoint. The automation process makes use of specific processes, workflow and test scripts within a regression testing technique. 

The amount of time, cost and other specific resources that are spent on identifying and fixing bugs in a product is considerably reduced through the tactical use of automated regression tests.

The regression testing process is carried out at a faster pace and maximum test coverage is provided at a much lower cost through the regression test automation platform.

Regression test automation best practices:

1. Successful test cases need to be re-run: In an agile scenario, even the successful test cases need to be repeatedly re-run to make sure that the application is able to function properly on a continual basis.

2. Regression test cases should be updated: There should be a constant updation of regression test cases to make sure that the test suite has been updated with the changes that have been recently introduced in the application.


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